Saturday, July 20, 2013

2013 Corn Harvest

... if you plant it, they will come.  The corn has arrived! This year, I filled up our garden cart with a load of sweet corn from the MVG. The warm start to the summer helped our four rows of corn produce large plump ears of corn.

Morrison Victory Garden July 19, 2013

My family and I will blanch and freeze the ears of corn. This is the easiest way to store the yummy kernels for the winter. Last year, we documented our corn freezing process and it proved to be very efficient for our winter culinary needs.

The cucumbers are still growing strong. We have canned an additional 3 quarts of dill pickles and added 3 quarts of kosher pickles to our pantry.

Fairytale eggplant
Nadia eggplant
The eggplants will soon be joining our weekly harvests. The Fairytale and Nadia eggplants are looking very large and plump. I cannot wait to grill these yummy vegetables on the BBQ.

Big Daddy sweet pepper
cherry stuffer sweet peppers
Our hot peppers are beginning to show colors and shapes. The Habanero peppers are peeking out and the Thai dragon peppers are transitioning from green to red.

Habanero pepper
Thai Dragon peppers
RIC - The green beans have come joined the compost pile. The bush beans were no longer producing flowers and veggies. We have a total of 7 quarts of blanched green beans in the freezer. Rest in compost yummy bush bean plants. We will see you again in 2014.

Okra flower

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