Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fast growing seedlings!

The corn is here! The corn is here! It took a little over a week for the corn to push through the soil and peek out its little green leaves. The corn sprouts are very fragile and need lots of water and protection from predators. I have found a few corn sprouts with nibble marks on the top. I have not contacted the MVG authorities about the nibble incidents but I will if it happens again. I just hope the victory garden is free of thieves this year. The bean theft of 2011 took a long time to solve but we caught the bandit.

The sugar snaps are growing and growing and growing. Take a look at how fast these little sprouts are reaching for the sky.

sugar snaps April 11th
sugar snaps April 15th
sugar snaps April 20th
Even the zucchini are growing larger week by week. Most of the zucchini have grown leaves and will soon begin crawling away from the base.

zucchini April 11th

zucchini April 20th
We also have watermelon sprouts. I hope to have more luck this year with my watermelon harvest. I planted the watermelon in a full sun area with no shade. In previous years, the corn and other vertical growing plants shaded the watermelon and stunted the plant's growth. This year, I am hoping for a healthy and hearty watermelon plant. I planted three seeds total. One has sprouted and I am still rooting for the other two...GO WATERMELON GO!

cucumbers (front yard) April 20th
The cucumbers are looking good in the front yard. I have a few new cucumber sprouts in the main garden too. I am looking forward to a large cucumber harvest this year. We only produced a basket full of cucumbers last summer and they were eaten faster than we could grow them. There are two jars of 2010 dill pickles left in the pantry and this year's harvest will help replenish our dill pickle shortage.


  1. Lucy wants to grow edamame....hmmmmm, thoughts on how to accomplish this?

    1. I grew edamame two years ago. You can see a picture of one plant in this post,

      I found the soy bean plants at my local nursery. One plant produced a strainer full of beans. Edamame are very easy to grow. You do not need much fertilizer (I use our homemade compost) and the warmer the weather the better the harvest. I would call around to see which nursery has the plants.

      I am sure you could grow them in a large pot if you do not have ground space in the back yard. Just make sure the plant gets full sun. Good luck! :)
