Monday, April 18, 2011

Begins with a shovel, seed and water.

Victory Garden in 2001
There has always been a garden in my life.  Since I was three and running around on a 10-acre farm in Central California I have seen lettuce open up to the sun, corn shoot up to the sky and potatoes bulging up through the earth.  I admit that gardening has not been my favorite past-time when I was a teenager but I have learned to appreciate the organic fruits of my family's gardening labor.  I do not live on 10-acres of land anymore but the small plot I find myself inhabiting now is enough space to grow a variety of vegetables and herbs.  This is the first year where I have taken charge in preparing the soil, organizing the layout of the garden and planting the seeds and sprouts.  I hope to include a weekly account of the growth and harvest of each item in my garden.  But first... we must prepare the soil.  Wish me luck!

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